Population |
12,548,926 |
Percentage of male population |
53.94% |
Percentage of female population |
46.89% |
Literacy Rate |
68.74% |
Male Literacy Rate |
78.26% |
Female Literacy Rate |
58.01% |
Female Population |
47.16% |
Urban Literacy Rate |
68.75% |
Rural Literacy Rate |
53.61 % |
All India Average Literacy Rate |
74.04% |
Number of Primary Schools |
Number of Upper Primary Schools |
6665 |
Number of High Schools |
Number of Higher Secondary Schools |
597 |
Number of Sainik Schools |
02 |
District Institute of Education (DIETs) |
22 |
State Institute of Education (SIEs) |
Number of KGBVs |